Badgers U13 win the GOLD!

What a weekend of lacrosse for our U13 team and coaching staff.

I cannot express how grateful I am for Coach Destiny and her bench staff for really turning a brand new team into Provincial CHAMPS!

They began Friday Morning, playing Midland, winning 3-2. Friday evening they played North Perth, winning 4-3. If you were there, you knew how exciting these games were. 

Saturday we had 1 game against Kahnawake, resulting in a 11-0 win for Mississauga. One of our players got a 5 minute major for instigation, 1 game suspension, the other team ended up with 3; 5 minute majors and a few suspended players. This one was exciting, considering these kids were all U13!

We heading into the semi-final game on Sunday Morning. I know I was nervous, couldn't even imagine the players or coaches nerves at this point. We played West Grey Rampage and won that game 9-4. 

We sat at 4 wins at this point. The vibe from the players and parents was amazing. So proud of these kids!

We went into the finals, playing Guelph. Lots of back and forth here, but our team kept it together and played so well together. Every game they were growing stronger and they just kept improving as a team. This was a very close game but we won the gold! 6-5 BADGERS!

First year team, First year Coach (Destiny) first year the BADGERS have gone to Provincials!